Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Sermon for Sunday, September 14, 2014

From the headlines of the Seattle times:
Islamic State extremists released a video
showing the beheading of British aid worker David Haines,
who was abducted in Syria last year,
and British Prime Minister David Cameron late Saturday
condemned his slaying as "an act of pure evil."

And then we have just heard three scripture readings this morning
            all about forgiveness and not judging.
That’s a real non-sequitur
            given the widespread reaction to these horrendous killings,
                        that calls for action “to degrade and ultimately destroy
                                                                        the terrorist group known as ISIL.”

So now we need to ask ourselves, what is forgiveness? what is it really about?

Some things seem unforgivable,
            like terrorism, murder, rape, genocide,
                                                            willful destruction, and just plain meanness.
These are human violations that take away what cannot be replaced,
            whether that is life itself or the wounding of the human spirit.

But what then are the spiritual dynamics of forgiveness
            that make it such a central part of the Christian message,
                        the Gospel good news,
especially in light of such things.

The scripture lessons that we have today certainly zero in on this,
            and we need to look at them more closely than just a casual reading
if we are to discover deeper wisdom, saving wisdom.

Peter comes to Jesus with a serious question.
“If another member of the church sins against me, how often should I forgive?”
            Now, how did the church get into this passage?
            This is the gospel; the time setting is before the church was formed.
Friends, it doesn’t say that in the Greek.
            It is much more specific.
It reads: “If my brother sins against me, how often should I forgive?”
            Hmmm – Andrew has been given his brother Peter some grief.
                        Quite common among siblings, don’t you know.
But we also must remember that around Jesus we are all brothers and sisters.
            We are all family – every single one of us, and not just here in this place.
                        ALL humankind.

Well, how long does Peter have to put up with being sinned against by another?
            Seven times?
How about 70 X 7, Jesus replies.            490 times

Then Jesus tells Peter a story
            that gets to the main issue in this matter of forgiveness.
Let’s see what that is.

First off, Jesus begins with that familiar phrase,
                                                                        “The Kingdom of Heaven is like…”
            Keep that in mind, and we will come back to that.

The Kingdom of Heaven is like a man who is a king
            who wants to take account of his slaves.
And he discovers that one of these slaves has run up a huge debt with him.
How big of a debt?            10,000 talents.           
Do you know how much that is?            Let’s do the math.
            1 talent is worth what the average worker can earn in 15 years.
            That means that for this slave to work off the debt,
                        it would take him 150,000 years.
So to recoup his loss the king decides to sell not only this slave,
            but his wife and his children and all of their belongings.
That won’t cover the debt, but that is the total means of revenue in this situation.

The slave pleads on his knees promising to do the impossible
            and pay back the debt in full.
The king is moved with compassion and instead cancels the whole debt.
            The whole debt.
This man who has been spared is worth 10,000 talents to the king,
                        far more than the total value of his lifetime work productivity.

Now we know what happens next.
            This slave goes out and finds a fellow slave who belongs to said king,
            and demands payment of what that slave owes him.
How much?             100 denarii…
How much is that?           
            1 denarii is the value of 1 day’s wage for the average worker.
Let’s do the math. 
            This person owes our slave about 4 months’ pay,
                        a significant amount,
                        and not unlike the amount of credit card debt some of us have.

This time there is not the same compassion and valuing of his coworker
            that had been shown to him.

First he grabbed him by the neck,
                        his hands around his windpipe cutting off vital air,
            and then throws him into debtors prison.
That’s how much he values his coworker;
            he only sees him as 100 denarii.
That is all he is worth to him.
            He rejects his brother slave until he pays the value placed on his life.

“When his fellow slaves saw what had happened, they were greatly distressed,             and they went and reported to their lord all that had taken place.”

What was it that had distressed them so much that they told their lord?
It wasn’t about the debt, but about how this slave had treated his fellow worker.

The king goes ballistic
            and “handed him over to be tortured until he would pay his entire debt.”
Remember how this parable started?
            The Kingdom of Heaven is like a king
                                                who wished to settle accounts with his slaves.

And Jesus concludes, “So my heavenly Father will also do to every one of you,             if you do not forgive your brother or sister from your heart."

Do this sound like a threat to you?
Then think of it in terms of a consequence.
But the point is this:
            The wickedness of the unjust slave
                        was in separating himself from the community
                        and missing entirely the importance of the brother, the sister.

If you do not forgive, if you do not take away the debt owed you,
            you will be put in a state of suffering, like being tortured.
And then when you are feeling so bad
                                    that you feel as though you are being torn apart,
            then God will show you that there is no separation with God,
                        no possible separation from others,
            and God will show compassion.            That is how mercy works.
The brother or sister cannot be made an object,
            cannot be quantified with a price, a monetary value.

And the forgiveness, the taking away of the debt, must be from the heart,
            Jesus says.
God who knows the thoughts of our hearts, as the Collect for Purity states,
            is always looking at the heart and its struggles.
                        Is the heart clean and open?            Or is it choked and cramped?           
For always we can count on this:
            We are worth more to God than the value of our debt.
Knowing that, then what is the value to us of the one who sins against us?
We are responsible on our side for the condition of being sinned against.
We can let that offense increase our separation
            or we can remove what separates us from another.
It’s all about the value we place on the other.
            God sets that value at 150,000 years worth of labor at the least
                        for each person, each human being,
such is the economics of the Kingdom of Heaven.

Genesis 50:15-21  Realizing that their father was dead, Joseph's brothers said,
"What if Joseph still bears a grudge against us
            and pays us back in full for all the wrong that we did to him?"
So they approached Joseph, saying,
            "… please forgive the crime of the servants of the God of your father." …But Joseph said to them, "Do not be afraid! …
Even though you intended to do harm to me, God intended it for good,
in order to preserve a numerous people, as he is doing today.
So have no fear.…”

That is real reconciliation – the evil intent of the brothers
            ultimately was turned to good for their sakes.

Remember these words from the Sermon on the Mount:
5:43 “You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ 
44 But I tell you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, 
45 that you may be children of your Father in heaven.

Hard words to hear?           
            Well, this is at the heart of the undiluted Gospel good news.
            These are words of our radical Savior
                        who wants to save terrorists as well as good church folk.
            This is how it is done.

So my advice to you in light of all this is the following:
Give up now, give up your whole life to God,
                        who knows the secret thoughts of the heart.
You can’t do that if you don’t forgive.
The forgiving frees you, and it also frees the one forgiven.
            It opens the way for them to be brought back into communion,

                                                                                                into community.

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