Monday, January 11, 2010

O Come, Let Us Adore Him

How amazing that from the very beginning of his earthly life Jesus, the Lamb of God, is found as a newborn laying in a feeding trough, the “dinner plate” for sheep and cattle and beasts of burden! His whole life was offered to feed a hungry world: bread for the hungry multitudes, words of life that fed a hunger even deeper, his own body broken and blood poured out held out to us with the command to consume him utterly. Such is Yeshua’s devotion to us. Such is his commitment to us, and his love for us and for all creation. O come, let us adore him.

One way we express our devotion to the Christ Child, the Lamb of God, is through the offering of ourselves, our time and our attention as we sit with the Prayer of the Lamb. As we offer intercession for the world with its overwhelming suffering and needs, this too is an act of devotion, an act of trust in God’s abundant mercy, an act of trust that what lay in the manger was more than sufficient for all. May our devotion at this Christmas time in particular include intercession for the peace of the world. O come, let us adore him.

A very blessed Christmas to you and to your family,
and intercessions for peace in all the world

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