Tuesday, January 1, 2013

New Year's Message from India

A lesson from India about Spiritual Practice - Spiritual practice takes various forms and is different for each person.  Yet it is essential that each of us can identify what is our intentional spiritual practice and that we engage in this daily.  This is at the heart of what is meant by spiritual formation.  We need to create an environment of spiritual support for faith in light of the fact that most of what we encounter each day drains our energy away from devotion to Jesus, obscures our awareness and confuses our motivations and intentions.

In India one can sit in the main hall at the ashram along with a few thousand others watching Amma give loving darshan to each person in turn, while all around some are singing bhajans, some are at the sides eating dinner and washing dishes, some are doing tasks like preparing the prasad that Amma gives with each hug, some are talking with each other, children are running around or crying or sleeping, the ashram dog is running by, crows are flying through the hall.  One can sit and withdraw the senses and in the midst of swirling activity be at the still point of meditation where there is a profound deep joy of being that expresses in the Love that does not discriminate between beloved and lover, the Love that is all.

A quotations from Amma about worship - Amma often says that the sun does not need the light of a candle to shine, in the same way God and Guru do not need us to worship them, it is for our benefit that we worship, as this process purifies our mind and brings us ever closer to our own true nature.  Actions that bring out love and reverence for the Guru and the Truth in which the Guru is established are purifying and create a deep bond.
In the Shelter of Her Arms, Kusuma, page 203.

Love and prayers for you all.  Join me in praying for the Mercy that the Lamb of God makes available for the hurting world.

And keep meditating.


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