Thursday, December 13, 2012

Emmanuel's gift for Amma

Hi, Hunt

Well, I finally got to go for darshan and present the check.  Because there are so many here the policy is that with Amma's return from China first the permanent residents got darshan, then the two public darshans on Saturday and Sunday were for Indians and so the next darshan opportunity that was for us internationals was on Wednesday, 12/12/12.  After a long sweaty day, I got changed into my best ashram clothes, and got in line for darshan.  I practiced my three sentence speech and had it written out for the translator to use.  When I got to Amma I held out the check in the envelope with your letter and started my speech.  Amma swept me up in her arms before I could get very far and she gave me a long and very loving embrace, whispering with great emphasis in my ear, "My daughter, my daughter, my daughter" much longer than usual.  She spoke to the translator, who then told me that Amma was very grateful for the gift and that it would be put to good use, and her greetings to all the members of the church.  Then I was told to sit next to Amma, right next to her, where I stayed for the next hour and a half.  It was a tremendous honor, and such a wonderful gift to me.  I prayed for you all.

Meanwhile, I probably won't post much for awhile as I continue this Amrita Yoga study.  I am learning some great things that I will be able to apply to my own teaching of meditation.

My love to you all.


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