Monday, November 26, 2012

Announcement: I am on Sabbatical!

Through my position at Emmanuel Episcopal Church I am privileged to have a sabbatical supported by the congregation.  So I am taking three months for continuing education and professional development from December through February. 

The purpose of this sabbatical for me is for spiritual development, and this is not in an academic setting.  Instead I am returning to India and will again be doing my meditation practice at Amritapura Ashram in Kerala.  This is a continuation of the rich experience I have had in the presence of Sri Mata Amritanandamayi, also known as Amma.  What I have learned from her in the past has deepened my understanding of the discipleship process that Jesus had with his disciples and which continues through the work of the Holy Spirit.  This will be an intense and challenging time, one that will stretch my limits and move me out of my comfort zone, and yet, I trust, will be significant for my own growth, healing and personal transformation.

While I am away members of the Community of the Lamb are continuing to meet on a regular basis to meditate with each other.  Everyone is invited to join them.  Regular meditation and biblical study courses will resume in March when I return.

Here are the current meditation groups:

Emmanuel Episcopal Church
4400 86th Ave. SE
Mercer Island
Monday weekly 10:00 AM
Tuesday weekly 7:00 PM

St. Dunstan Episcopal Church
722 N. 145th St.
Sunday monthly on January 13 and February 10 (no December meeting)

Blessings in the Lamb to you all, and keep meditating!


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